Our story

Jess Ringgenberg, founder and CEO of ELIXR, left a thriving corporate career in rare-disease and biotech to work toward closing systematic gaps in the workplace for women and mothers. As a mom and a woman leader in a Fortune 500, she witnessed first-hand the existing gap for all women and working mothers, and she couldn’t look away. She believes women are meant to thrive at every intersection.

Jess became a matrescence expert, a certified and accredited coach through the International Coaching Federation, and an advocate – all used to provide businesses with focused programs that empower women and moms at work. These programs are designed to ignite change by providing education and support leading to retention, re-engagement, and re-discovery.

ELIXR aims to unlock fulfillment, personal growth, and professional development. Bridging neuroscience, positive psychology and the research of matrescence. We strive for a future where the whole person is not just understood but embraced. Our commitment extends beyond filling gaps to transforming corporate cultures into empowering spaces where all women and mothers can work, thrive, and lead.

ELIXR was created to lift up women and moms at work.


ELIXR exists to bridge the gap for companies and the women who work there

Our mission is to empower women and working mothers who love their careers and their families but feel stuck between them. We strive to unlock what's holding women back from flourishing at work and at home. We use research, evidence-based tools, and frameworks to support women so they can re-engage, rediscover, and revive this next chapter in their lives and careers.


Jess Ringgenberg

ACC, ACLC, X-Biotech Woman leader, Researcher, Speaker, Matrescence Expert, and Non-Profit Board Member

Jess's vision for ELIXR is to lead the way in empowering women and working moms globally, a mission that is already making a profound impact. 

Today, Jess is evolving companies and supporting moms through her work with ELIXR. ELIXR is an executive sponsor of a research campaign to broaden, define, and expand modern motherhood. She is a board member of All Moms, a nonprofit for inclusive motherhood support, and she serves as coach-in-residence for The Society of Working Moms.

Jess lives in Dallas, TX, with her two boys and husband. They’ve built a life focused on being present and finding meaning outside traditional societal expectations. She believes the answer is always “inside” of us.

Behind the brand

Our Name

ELIXR’s name was inspired by the magic that can happen when women and mothers remember to discover themselves at every stage of life. 

Putting their “I” into focus and what they need from work, family, community and self, ELIXR exists as a foundation to manifest magic for women and working moms, starting in the workplace. 

Our Logo

Our mark is a symbol of strength and symmetry. 

Strength in the integrity drawn from the “X” in our name and rounded for the heart that comes with motherhood. 

Symmetry across four petals representing work, family, community, and self that serve as a visual reminder of harmonic co-existence.

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